Empowering Massachusetts Through Independent Politics

We are the MA State Party, a political third party dedicated to enhancing the lives of all Massachusetts residents, independent from the RNC and DNC.

bokeh photography
bokeh photography
A voice for all Massachusetts residents.

MA Resident


Our Location

We proudly serve the residents of Massachusetts, advocating for their needs and promoting independent political solutions for a better community.


123 Main St, MA


9 AM - 5 PM

Gallery Section

Showcasing our commitment to improving lives for MA residents.

a person holding a pen over a piece of paper
a person holding a pen over a piece of paper
man in blue t-shirt standing beside woman in blue t-shirt
man in blue t-shirt standing beside woman in blue t-shirt
people on road
people on road
lighted hanging disco mirror balls
lighted hanging disco mirror balls
group of people holding signages
group of people holding signages
group of people in front of stage
group of people in front of stage